YOGI INTERVIEW: Tia Platte at Yoga Source

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Hey guys! Hope you've all had a fabulous week! Today we got the opportunity to take a class from and interview the co-owner of yoga studio, Yoga Source, Tia Platte. Bright and early this morning we got up for a yoga barre class. And let me tell you, it was not easy. Barre is hard work! But so so rewarding! We feel great! Not to mention our AWESOME teacher! Tia is the sweetest! We asked her some questions about her start in yoga, her practice and lifestyle as a yoga instructor. Here we go! Enjoy!
Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from? 
"I grew up in Norfolk, Virginia. I made my way to Richmond through VCU where I majored in dance and choreography."

When did you first become interested in practicing yoga?
"In the process of studying dance I was introduced to yoga when I was 15" 
"As I got a little taste of yoga I continued practicing through my dance training here in Richmond, Yoga Source is the first place I ever took a yoga class, I felt like this was going to be a sustainable practice to get me through the dance world."
When did you decide to dedicate yourself to yoga personally and professionally?
"After college I perused more training in yoga and actually committed to a full on teacher training which was a month long, then I thought for a little while, then moved to California for another teacher training which was a year and a half. I went from dance, to let's do my next degree in yoga." 
"After living there for a little while, teaching some classes and dancing with dance companies I moved back here to Richmond, taught for a couple of years and then the opportunity was presented to me to buy the studio so my friend Myra Dionisio and I bought the studio nine years ago."
"It all kind of came together by dance"
What keeps you motivated to work hard when you’re feeling low?
"Yoga keeps me going, because I love what I do, and I know that, one, a strong discipline keeps me focused, with the discipline of dance and the practice of yoga, and two, I'm responsible for a whole class of people. But do I have to? No, I do it because I choose to, because I love to."
"helping others, teaching people, that's my passion, I love helping people and sharing what I know with those who want to learn"

Favorite pose?
"Backbends are fun or handstand!"
Lookin' good Tia!
What’s some advice you would give to beginners?/people who want to start practicing yoga?
"Patience. You cultivate patience as you practice, and your practice grows one breath at a time so there is no fast tract, you just have to stay consistent and practice a little bit every day and slowly grow your practice."

We read on your website that you have some pets, tell us about them!
"Well right they are probably in the kitchen ripping up the dog bed... but yeah, I have two little chihuahua puppies, Tiggy and Ziggy and they are super super fun, I love my little buddies and a cat who is 13 years old named Symon."
What/Who inspires you most?
"Movement, art, the world in general, the outdoors feeds my spirit and inspires me to teach."
"My teachers through the years inspire me"
Thank you so much Tia for an amazing class and a great start to our practice :) 

Talk to yall later!
Joanna and Olivia :)

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